Cost of living in San Salvador (El Salvador) is 42% more expensive than in Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia)

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This comparison has some inconsistent or sparse data. It already provides a reliable comparison but it is not bullet-proof. It is based on 554 prices entered by 47 different people.

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TOTAL + 42%
warning This comparison has some inconsistent or sparse data. It already provides a reliable comparison but it is not bullet-proof. It is based on 554 prices entered by 47 different people.
These prices were last updated on September 09, 2024. Exchange rate: 4.352 MYR / USD
For example, you would need at least RM11,650 ($2,677) in San Salvador to maintain the same standard of living that you can have with RM8,200 in Kota Kinabalu.

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